So.....I started running. And you know what? I'm really liking it.
I have childhood memories of running. They were torturous! Remember the 'lap-a-thons' at school, and the dreaded 'Participaction Fitness Challenge'? I sucked at them. I usually got 5 laps in to the lap-a-thon and took a stitch in my side enough to split me in two, and sat the rest out on the school gym bench. Although, with that track record (no pun intended), I never had a problem getting sponsors. I also never raised much money for whatever cause we were supposed to be running for either...LOL
So, while on vacation I decided to visit our hotel's gym. No one there except me, so I jumped on the treadmill and started running...just to see how far I could go. And I got to 1 and had enough. Then I thought, hey I'm in the states, this thing is rigged in miles not kilometers. I just ran 1.6 km without stopping! Cool!
I did it for the next 2 days of my vacation, and now that I'm home I'm setting a goal for myself to run the 8k road race in the Victoria Marathon on 10-10-10. Who knows if I'll have the endurance to go the whole distance running, but I'm going to do my best. I'm up to 3.5 km so far. I'll keep ya posted on my progress.
5 Day Pouch Test Quick Review: Liquids
7 years ago